Well, here we are. Three years since I tattooed my arm with blacklight ink. Overall, the tattoo still looks great. I have learned to use a wider needle set as the ink glows better when it has some width in the lines. Since I am a glassblower, I am a little worried about the light from the torch and flame I use making the tattoo fade. But so far, I cannot see any effect. Here are two recent photos of the blacklight tattoo, three years after I tattooed myself. Thanks for all your comments and questions!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
The 9 Celestine Insights
1. We are
discovering again that we live in a deeply mysterious world, full of
sudden coincidences and synchronistic encounters that seem destined.
2. As more of us awaken to this mystery, we will create a completely new worldview — redefining the universe as energetic and sacred.
3. We will discover that everything around us, all matter, consist of and stems from divine energy that we are beginning to see and understand.
4. From this perspective, we can see that humans have always felt insecure and disconnected from this sacred source, and have tried to take energy by dominating each other. This struggle is responsible for all human conflict.
5. The only solution is to cultivate a personal reconnection with the divine, a mystical transformation that fills us with unlimited energy and love, extends our perception of beauty, and lifts us into higher-self awareness.
6. In this awareness, we can release our own pattern of controlling, and discover a specific truth, a mission, we are here to share that helps evolve humanity toward this new level of reality.
7. In pursuit of this mission, we can discover an inner intuition that shows us where to go and what to do, and if we make only positive interpretations, brings a flow of coincidences that opens the doors for our mission to unfold.
8. When enough of us enter this evolutionary flow, always giving energy to higher-self of everyone we meet, we will build a new culture where our bodies evolve to ever higher levels of energy and perception.
9. In this way, we participate in the long journey of evolution from Big Bang to life’s ultimate goal: to energize our bodies, generation by generation, until we walk into a heaven we can finally see.
2. As more of us awaken to this mystery, we will create a completely new worldview — redefining the universe as energetic and sacred.
3. We will discover that everything around us, all matter, consist of and stems from divine energy that we are beginning to see and understand.
4. From this perspective, we can see that humans have always felt insecure and disconnected from this sacred source, and have tried to take energy by dominating each other. This struggle is responsible for all human conflict.
5. The only solution is to cultivate a personal reconnection with the divine, a mystical transformation that fills us with unlimited energy and love, extends our perception of beauty, and lifts us into higher-self awareness.
6. In this awareness, we can release our own pattern of controlling, and discover a specific truth, a mission, we are here to share that helps evolve humanity toward this new level of reality.
7. In pursuit of this mission, we can discover an inner intuition that shows us where to go and what to do, and if we make only positive interpretations, brings a flow of coincidences that opens the doors for our mission to unfold.
8. When enough of us enter this evolutionary flow, always giving energy to higher-self of everyone we meet, we will build a new culture where our bodies evolve to ever higher levels of energy and perception.
9. In this way, we participate in the long journey of evolution from Big Bang to life’s ultimate goal: to energize our bodies, generation by generation, until we walk into a heaven we can finally see.
Alternate adaptation from The Celestine Prophecy
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Studies suggest that less than 50% of what we "see" is actually based on information entering our eyes. The remaining 50+ percent is pieced together out of our expectations of what the world should look like. The eyes may be visual organs, but it is the brain that sees. Even more dramatic evidence of the role the mind plays in creating what we see is provided by the eye's so-called blind spot. In the middle of the retina, where the optic nerve connects to the eye, we have a blind spot where there are no photoreceptors. When we look at the world around us we are totally unaware that there are gaping holes in our vision. It doesn't matter whether we are gazing at a blank piece of paper or an ornate Persian carpet. The brain artfully fills in the gaps like a skilled tailor reweaving a hole in a piece of fabric. What is all the more remarkable is that it reweaves the tapestry of our visual reality so masterfully we aren't aware it is doing so. This leads to a disturbing question. If we are seeing less than half of what is out there, what is out there that we are not seeing?
-Michael Talbot
blind spot,
Michael Talbot,
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Ebb and Flow
The ebb and flow of life is a constant.
You jump joyously into the flow of life, yet the moment it shows signs
of receding, you panic, imagining that what you once had won't return.
You insist on permanency, yet the only permanence is change.
One must continually make adjustments as you seek to find inner peace and happiness.
Only by doing so can you realise evolvement.
However alone you may feel sometimes, know you are part of a very large family.
That family is watching over you, flooding you with abundance and love as often as you will receive it.
Be secure in the knowledge you are always provided for, if you would
only learn to be open to receiving, and flow like the tide, adjusting to
life's never ending changes.
~ Channelling Love ♥
Thanks to Diwakar Bhardwaj for sharing.
One must continually make adjustments as you seek to find inner peace and happiness.
Only by doing so can you realise evolvement.
However alone you may feel sometimes, know you are part of a very large family.
That family is watching over you, flooding you with abundance and love as often as you will receive it.
Be secure in the knowledge you are always provided for, if you would only learn to be open to receiving, and flow like the tide, adjusting to life's never ending changes.
~ Channelling Love ♥
Thanks to Diwakar Bhardwaj for sharing.
Diwakar Bhardwaj,
inner peace,
Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View
with that discernment and inward opening can the full participatory
engagement unfold that brings forth new realities and new knowledge.
Without this capacity, at once active and receptive, the long discipline
would be fruitless. The carefully cultivated skeptical posture would
become finally an empty prison, an armored state of unfulfillment, a
permanently confining end in itself rather than the rigorous means to a
sublime result.
It is just this tension and interplay—between
critical rigor and the potential discovery of larger truths—that has
always informed and advanced the drama of our intellectual history. Yet
in our own time, at the start of a new millennium, that drama seems to
have reached a moment of climactic urgency. We find ourselves at an
extraordinary threshold. One need not be graced with prophetic insight
to recognize that we are living in one of those rare ages, like the end
of classical antiquity or the beginning of the
era, that bring forth, through great stress and struggle, a genuinely
fundamental transformation in the underlying assumptions and principles
of the cultural world view. Amidst the multitude of debates and
controversies that fill the intellectual arena, our basic understanding
of reality is in contention: the role of the human being in nature and
the cosmos, the status of human knowledge, the basis of moral values,
the dilemmas of pluralism, relativism, objectivity, the spiritual
dimension of life, the direction and meaning—if any—of history and
evolution. The outcome of this tremendous moment in our civilization’s
history is deeply uncertain. Something is dying, and something is being
born. The stakes are high, for the future of humanity and the future of
the Earth."
Tarnas, Richard (2006-01-19). Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View . Penguin Group. Kindle Edition.
Tarnas, Richard (2006-01-19). Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View . Penguin Group. Kindle Edition.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Honoring Men’s “Moon Cycles.” ~ Shiva Rea
Women, it’s time to honor the “moon cycle” of our men.
I have come to observe through life, love and anecdotal conversations that men, too, have their own equivalent to a woman’s “moon cycle,” that is related to the release of their seed.Within the theory of Ayurveda, men’s shukra (or seminal fluid), is the energetic equivalent to a women’s pushpa (the blood of their womb), as well as female sexual fluid (also shukra).
These fluids are distilled through many days of work from foods and liquids to become a precious, life-creating substance. Although semen is created daily (85 million sperm per day per testicle), it takes 72 to 90 days to develop mature sperm.
No wonder men in the after-flow of a love union are like big, lazy lions, completely reclining, with no interest in doing anything whatsoever—just like women, who feel the need to seriously chill at the onset and during their monthly flow.
Putting aside the many theories and practices about men releasing their seed, which is really very individual, seasonal, constitutional and unique to every man, there is a wonderful period of absolute lunar, yin, receptive, relaxed, content, open and loving space that men enter into, that deserves to be honored—particularly by women who are often the ones to start poking that Lion King get up and do something again.
Why do women disturb men when they are so beautifully resting in their lunar nature—a quality women long to be reciprocated, when it’s their turn in the cyclical flow?
Just as men are often resistant to honor their ladies on their “moon” or menstrual cycle, when they need the most loving and nurturing support, ladies need to be called out for disturbing men in their spontaneous—but very real release of precious essence—their own “mini-moon.”For those precious few hours, to a few days, these Lions deserve to be served and adored as “Moon Kings” too; I have yet to meet a man who is not into this idea, as they know it to be innately true—and actually love the regal name, which gives permission to lounge around like a maharaja, in the way that those lovely “Moon Queens” also are waiting to be held and respected.
Male and female orgasm naturally produces a cascade of oxytocin and
a regenerating rhythmic entrainment between our brainwaves and our
heart rhythm, that creates the feeling of a downward stream of bliss
that is healing for every level of our being.
The relaxation that follows after reaching this peak is a sacred time for men to experience the healing power of ida nadi—the “lunar current” of our parasympathetic nervous system, by resting in the whole body surrender. A woman’s sexual release creates the same melting-into-being, but is often energizing, as it is not anywhere near as “depleting of essence” as for men; hence the rhythmic differences that can emerge post-union.
Men and women can begin to authentically recognize the beauty of ida nadi within the shukra-pushpa (seed-ovum) release cycle and give that support and love to each other, by creating a natural rhythm of serving the Moon King-Queen. This can be in the smallest of ways of royal treatment, like feeding them in bed or making a special ojas tonic (Ayruveda recommends warm almond milk with honey and cashews sprinkled on top—yum!)
Love your Moon King up and he will come to know exactly what a Moon Queen needs to receive when your cycle arrives—not “to give to get” but to help evolve our collective culture to remember our instinctual bodies.
The relaxation that follows after reaching this peak is a sacred time for men to experience the healing power of ida nadi—the “lunar current” of our parasympathetic nervous system, by resting in the whole body surrender. A woman’s sexual release creates the same melting-into-being, but is often energizing, as it is not anywhere near as “depleting of essence” as for men; hence the rhythmic differences that can emerge post-union.
Men and women can begin to authentically recognize the beauty of ida nadi within the shukra-pushpa (seed-ovum) release cycle and give that support and love to each other, by creating a natural rhythm of serving the Moon King-Queen. This can be in the smallest of ways of royal treatment, like feeding them in bed or making a special ojas tonic (Ayruveda recommends warm almond milk with honey and cashews sprinkled on top—yum!)
You start to love both being and serving the Moon King-Queen (I made up these titles and they work!)
So ladies, take up this love revolution and put the fire poker away.Love your Moon King up and he will come to know exactly what a Moon Queen needs to receive when your cycle arrives—not “to give to get” but to help evolve our collective culture to remember our instinctual bodies.
Prrr and grrrr! All Hail the Moon Kings!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Submitted by a reader, reposted here!
A Story.
so i was walking along a brown road, thinking and talking to myself about all my thoughts... mostly giggling at the thought of how brilliantly mad i had turned out to be over all this time of life, when suddenly i came across this little elf. this elf came out of no where, but once he was there i could not imagine a time when he wasnt there. the little elf had come bearing gifts. He reached out his hand. "Yummi treats for me!" we sat and talked about everything. He knew the thoughts i spoke of, and i knew his thoughts. It were as if he had been my mind all long and i his. And here we were, in the middle of the oaks.
with him he carried a sack around his torso. he asked if id like some treats he had found. The trees had given him a gift of fungi. lovely fungi. together we snacked.
"ha" i said to myself, but this time out loud "ha, where am i. i dont know where i am and how i will go about getting home..and i must get home at some time. "why?" he asked in his mischievous convincing tone. "well, i suppose i will have to go back at some time..thats where all my belongings are..and well my kitty, you know..and a bed is nice" "oh dear. i do hope i can find my way out of these unfamiliar trees"
"I must start venturing that way, towards the way i think i came from..yes, i will walk that way." "well i will walk with you then." "ok, then but i need an apple, oh to have an apple would be so delicious" and would you believe after those words..that mischievous little one went climbing up a tree and came down with an apple! "oh boy! what a wonderful day for me, an apple. oh thank you little one." and so we began to walk.
Now i must say, i was a bit nervous, a bit scared that the little elf might eat me right up. For kind loving faeries are never supposed to play with mischievous little elves. but as we talked and frolicked around in the muck. I saw in his eye..."yes, indeed that is a sparkle of kindness and of love." I must be brave, wonderful things happen when you set aside your fears. so we played, and i was not scared anymore. I saw through all that mischief right to the smile upon his lips.
we found a cobblestone path and i thought how lovely it was to walk through the yellow leaved trees with their petals all around. What a beautiful night, what glorious fog, what a special friend to share it all with.
we then came across a bench, a bench waiting on a train. I decided to sit and wait with it. the elf and i laughed and laughed, we laughed mostly because we were brilliant...our ideas, our words, our letter, the story we would tell and the time and place of a farm and growing old and laughing together in our rocking chairs...or maybe a bench like the one we found ourselves on for 3 hours..laughing and staring at each other. we also laughed because we knew how mad we were, how crazy we must look laughing at 4am on a train bench in the middle of the fog in a town that was empty. we were both well aware of both our brilliancy and madness. this is why we laughed. we had discovered the secrets and now we had found another who had discovered the same secrets.
we would make up our own world, we vowed, if i didnt make it up..its not real..it wont belong in our world. like the government.
we were free to kick down all those tall lego block buildings that keep me from seeing the mountains and the sky. assholes..whose idea was that..not mine.
we got to the end of our walk. somehow, we ended up right at the place i had started it all. but i was sad, i did not want to leave my friend. and in fact, just in that moment i arrived and decided i had to go to sleep..i realized i loved the little elf. and i couldnt help but say it. "i love you" with out hesitation and with those eyes "i love you too", "i will see you again", "ok". i walked backwards all the way to the door thinking i might forget it all if i turned away.
i smiled the whole time i laid in my bed..in fact, i didnt sleep at all. i just replayed the night over and over..all the words that were said...the way his face looked, his mischievous smile. all of it, was all a dream. i couldn't be sure that any of it was real. maybe my mind came to life, maybe i made it up..imagined it...and there it was. i wasnt to be sure what had just happened. but i was sure that those mushrooms i had eaten had made my stomach hurt now and i was very thirsty.
i saw him again. it had all been true. waiting for my train..the same bench...he came there..in hopes of seeing me. here we were, but only to say bye. goodbye.
a little while later, after time and time of replaying that nights event and feeling the way i had felt that night...i returned to place my arms around him and press my lips against his check and say 'lets go play in the trees'. but when i returned, i did see him, but he was no longer there. no, not the same elf at all. it had been as if none of it was real at all, except for in my mind. he had disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared.
that quick and he was gone, pewf, so i turned around and started walking..once again talking to myself. An elf and a faerie, playing in the oaks. how enchanting it all was. and i was indeed proud of how brave i had been.
so i was walking along a brown road, thinking and talking to myself about all my thoughts... mostly giggling at the thought of how brilliantly mad i had turned out to be over all this time of life, when suddenly i came across this little elf. this elf came out of no where, but once he was there i could not imagine a time when he wasnt there. the little elf had come bearing gifts. He reached out his hand. "Yummi treats for me!" we sat and talked about everything. He knew the thoughts i spoke of, and i knew his thoughts. It were as if he had been my mind all long and i his. And here we were, in the middle of the oaks.
with him he carried a sack around his torso. he asked if id like some treats he had found. The trees had given him a gift of fungi. lovely fungi. together we snacked.
"ha" i said to myself, but this time out loud "ha, where am i. i dont know where i am and how i will go about getting home..and i must get home at some time. "why?" he asked in his mischievous convincing tone. "well, i suppose i will have to go back at some time..thats where all my belongings are..and well my kitty, you know..and a bed is nice" "oh dear. i do hope i can find my way out of these unfamiliar trees"
"I must start venturing that way, towards the way i think i came from..yes, i will walk that way." "well i will walk with you then." "ok, then but i need an apple, oh to have an apple would be so delicious" and would you believe after those words..that mischievous little one went climbing up a tree and came down with an apple! "oh boy! what a wonderful day for me, an apple. oh thank you little one." and so we began to walk.
Now i must say, i was a bit nervous, a bit scared that the little elf might eat me right up. For kind loving faeries are never supposed to play with mischievous little elves. but as we talked and frolicked around in the muck. I saw in his eye..."yes, indeed that is a sparkle of kindness and of love." I must be brave, wonderful things happen when you set aside your fears. so we played, and i was not scared anymore. I saw through all that mischief right to the smile upon his lips.
we found a cobblestone path and i thought how lovely it was to walk through the yellow leaved trees with their petals all around. What a beautiful night, what glorious fog, what a special friend to share it all with.
we then came across a bench, a bench waiting on a train. I decided to sit and wait with it. the elf and i laughed and laughed, we laughed mostly because we were brilliant...our ideas, our words, our letter, the story we would tell and the time and place of a farm and growing old and laughing together in our rocking chairs...or maybe a bench like the one we found ourselves on for 3 hours..laughing and staring at each other. we also laughed because we knew how mad we were, how crazy we must look laughing at 4am on a train bench in the middle of the fog in a town that was empty. we were both well aware of both our brilliancy and madness. this is why we laughed. we had discovered the secrets and now we had found another who had discovered the same secrets.
we would make up our own world, we vowed, if i didnt make it up..its not real..it wont belong in our world. like the government.
we were free to kick down all those tall lego block buildings that keep me from seeing the mountains and the sky. assholes..whose idea was that..not mine.
we got to the end of our walk. somehow, we ended up right at the place i had started it all. but i was sad, i did not want to leave my friend. and in fact, just in that moment i arrived and decided i had to go to sleep..i realized i loved the little elf. and i couldnt help but say it. "i love you" with out hesitation and with those eyes "i love you too", "i will see you again", "ok". i walked backwards all the way to the door thinking i might forget it all if i turned away.
i smiled the whole time i laid in my bed..in fact, i didnt sleep at all. i just replayed the night over and over..all the words that were said...the way his face looked, his mischievous smile. all of it, was all a dream. i couldn't be sure that any of it was real. maybe my mind came to life, maybe i made it up..imagined it...and there it was. i wasnt to be sure what had just happened. but i was sure that those mushrooms i had eaten had made my stomach hurt now and i was very thirsty.
i saw him again. it had all been true. waiting for my train..the same bench...he came there..in hopes of seeing me. here we were, but only to say bye. goodbye.
a little while later, after time and time of replaying that nights event and feeling the way i had felt that night...i returned to place my arms around him and press my lips against his check and say 'lets go play in the trees'. but when i returned, i did see him, but he was no longer there. no, not the same elf at all. it had been as if none of it was real at all, except for in my mind. he had disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared.
that quick and he was gone, pewf, so i turned around and started walking..once again talking to myself. An elf and a faerie, playing in the oaks. how enchanting it all was. and i was indeed proud of how brave i had been.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us ‘universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest…a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
-Albert Einstein ♥
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Honest people use no rhetoric;
Rhetoric is not honesty.
Enlightened people are not cultured;
Culture is not enlightenment.
Content people are not rich;
Riches are not contentment.
So the sage does not serve himself;
The more he does for others, the more he is satisfied;
The more he gives, the more he receives.
Nature flourishes at the expense of no one;
So the sage benefits all men and contends with none.
From: Tao-de-jing chapter 81 http://www.chinapage.com/ gnl.html#81
Rhetoric is not honesty.
Enlightened people are not cultured;
Culture is not enlightenment.
Content people are not rich;
Riches are not contentment.
So the sage does not serve himself;
The more he does for others, the more he is satisfied;
The more he gives, the more he receives.
Nature flourishes at the expense of no one;
So the sage benefits all men and contends with none.
From: Tao-de-jing chapter 81 http://www.chinapage.com/
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
12 Stupidly Easy Resolutions for 2012 by Mark Morford
You want to exercise more, eat better, read more books? Spend more time with your kids, get more sleep and cook more delicious meals at home? Wonderful. Have at it. Me, I'm going a little esoteric, a little vibrational this fine year of our apocalypse. It just seems appropriate. Starting with:
1) Extra moaning
I know people who hold it all in. I know people who never make a peep, who are far too quiet with their expressions of joy and bliss and yum, who think any sort of yelp at the exquisite pains/pleasures of this life is for hippies and porn stars and obnoxious teenagers who won't shut the hell up and turn down that goddamn hippity hoppity musical nonsense. I feel terribly sad for these people, in no small part because I used to (sort of) be one myself. What a silly way to go through life. What a relief to not have to be that way anymore. I blame Burning Man. I resolve to keep it going, more than ever.
2) Wilder sighing
Heavy sighing is when you think the world is a miserable madhouse of suffering, violence and very little else. Sad sighing is when you think it's just tragic what happened to poor little Kim Kardashian and, oh my goodness, look what's happening to all the puppies and the honeybees and the supercute baby seals. Wild sighing, on the other hand, is a different beast entirely. More guttural, raw, emerging from just below the genitals and shooting straight up the spinal chord like liquid fire, it pours out the throat like a slow, feral grunt, like you just ate raw unicorn heart from a skewer made of porcelain hummingbird skull you now wish to thank the gods without saying a word. You know?
3) Truer breathing
There's breathing, and there's breathing. There's the everyday, automatic background drudgery, the shallow, mundane inhale/exhale that you take for granted until it finally stops, you fall over in a dusty heap and the gods shrug and go back to their knitting. And then there's other kind. There's being fully, exquisitely aware of how you're moving life force through your body, through your pores like it was vodka traversing the blood/brain barrier, like cocaine being passed around the Last Supper, like 1,000 naked angels wrapped around your body and they were squeezing you like a divine accordion made of sex and blood and really strange dreams. Choose wisely.
4) Gentler grip
I do it. You do it. Everyone you know does it. We all hold on far too tightly to the things we love, the things we hate, the personal stories we're so desperately convinced of, because if you let go of them, well, what's left? Who are you, really, without that car, spouse, haircut, job title, attitude, sneer, Facebook status, enemy, body issue, income level, family trauma, abusive relationship, broken heart, need for attention? Who are you when you soften the mad grip and realize the nature of consciousness is an ever fluxive cycle of expansion and contraction, over and over again, forever? Hint: it's not what you think. Isn't that wonderful? Isn't that terrifying?
5) Deeper penetration
Penetration into what, you might ask, shifting hungrily in your chair? Penetration into the meaning. Into the soft and beckoning darkness. Past the surface of things, through the glittery BS of the popular culture, deep into to the engines and the forces that make it all go. Penetration into the source. What is the source? Consciousness. What is consciousness? You're soaking in it, right now. How do you know? Close your eyes for a moment, sit very still, and try to imagine God and the Devil are sitting around a raging campfire making s'mores, and your heart is the marshmallow. There.
6) Drink the awe
It's a brutally fast-paced, Facebooked, hypertext-drunk world, my loves, and it's just ridiculously easy to take it all for granted, to sit there and type your message into your glorious little device and attach a video and send it halfway round the world as you sip your coffee that came from 8,000 miles away and think nothing of it all, when in fact there are roughly 1,008 astonishing miracles banging around your life right this second if you just were able to realize their wobbly gifts. What a thing.
7) Invert the melancholy
Yes, I know, you're all jaded and wary and sick of it all. The world is corrupt, everyone's out to screw over everyone else, men are tactless pigs and women are manipulative gold-diggers and it's all enough to cast a permanent pall over everything. Whatever. Choose that if you want to. It's certainly easy. It's also exceedingly lazy. For 2012, maybe choose to take that feeling and flip it over like it was one of those cute old novelty pens with the naked women on it, as you watch the black bathing suit slide down and reveal the naked truth of the silliness of it all. Then write me a note.
8) Up the vibration
Have you heard? Everything has a pulse. Everything has a flicker and tremor of existence, from rock to ocean, dog to docking station, politician to power drill. Here is your choice for 2012: You can pump, kick and feed into that pulse, join forces with it to help yourself, your loved ones, the whole of the ruined and gorgeous world leap to the higher realms of consciousness, or you can remain sour and small, refusing to celebrate anything at all. You can vibrate high and helpful, or you can vibrate low and pessimistic. What's it going to be?
9) Down with zippers
On one hand, it's a hyper-pornified, revoltingly explicit, over-sexualized culture with far too easy access to smut of such low and inelegant quality it makes my classic, porn-loving heart sad. On the other, a trembling horde of puritanical GOP and Tea Party dinkbuttons who don't know the business end of a vibrator (much less a clitoris) would like you to please return to the sexually ignorant closet of roughly 1951 and slam the door tight. Somewhere in between, a call for a refreshingly filthy and delicious, respectful and educated, fearless and open-throated sexual awareness that is neither that, nor that. I'm working on it, eagerly, every single day. Help me?
10) Occupy heart space
Wait, so I'm not the only one to make a cheesy pun on 2011's favorite protest acronym? To flip it around and make it into some sort of personal self-help mantra? Oh well. OWS was about taking up residence in the corridors of power and making joyful, egalitarian noise. OHS is about taking up residence in your own power center, feeling around in the box of your own bulls--t and shoving out the demons of bitterness and fear, and replacing them with something resembling trust and bliss. I have no idea if I can do it. But what the hell else is worth trying?
11) Appreciate appreciation
Everyone loves something. Gratitude abounds. I hereby resolve to wallow and soak in the sheer joy that others pump out toward the things they love and celebrate, even if it's something I find ridiculous or annoying or WTF. Unless it's destructive or hurtful, ignorant or violent, I hereby resolve to be more grateful for the whatever the hell you're grateful for. Even cats.
12) Ecstatic stillness
Do you know why many of the wisdom masters and wizened gurus of the world are always laughing? Why their eyes sparkle and they seem to beam out pure love and joy, when they often have almost nothing in terms of worldly possessions, fame or wealth? It's because they know the secret. They know when you are fully dialed in to the moment, when you are awake and alive to your body and your life, when all senses are alive and the light illuminates everything to the point of absolute bursting, well, there's nothing else to want. It's the sheer ecstasy of existence itself, blood pouring through, heart aflutter, eyes luminous, body pulsing, air like the finest wine, god in every breath. For 2012, far more of that, please. Join me?
1) Extra moaning
I know people who hold it all in. I know people who never make a peep, who are far too quiet with their expressions of joy and bliss and yum, who think any sort of yelp at the exquisite pains/pleasures of this life is for hippies and porn stars and obnoxious teenagers who won't shut the hell up and turn down that goddamn hippity hoppity musical nonsense. I feel terribly sad for these people, in no small part because I used to (sort of) be one myself. What a silly way to go through life. What a relief to not have to be that way anymore. I blame Burning Man. I resolve to keep it going, more than ever.
2) Wilder sighing
Heavy sighing is when you think the world is a miserable madhouse of suffering, violence and very little else. Sad sighing is when you think it's just tragic what happened to poor little Kim Kardashian and, oh my goodness, look what's happening to all the puppies and the honeybees and the supercute baby seals. Wild sighing, on the other hand, is a different beast entirely. More guttural, raw, emerging from just below the genitals and shooting straight up the spinal chord like liquid fire, it pours out the throat like a slow, feral grunt, like you just ate raw unicorn heart from a skewer made of porcelain hummingbird skull you now wish to thank the gods without saying a word. You know?
3) Truer breathing
There's breathing, and there's breathing. There's the everyday, automatic background drudgery, the shallow, mundane inhale/exhale that you take for granted until it finally stops, you fall over in a dusty heap and the gods shrug and go back to their knitting. And then there's other kind. There's being fully, exquisitely aware of how you're moving life force through your body, through your pores like it was vodka traversing the blood/brain barrier, like cocaine being passed around the Last Supper, like 1,000 naked angels wrapped around your body and they were squeezing you like a divine accordion made of sex and blood and really strange dreams. Choose wisely.
4) Gentler grip
I do it. You do it. Everyone you know does it. We all hold on far too tightly to the things we love, the things we hate, the personal stories we're so desperately convinced of, because if you let go of them, well, what's left? Who are you, really, without that car, spouse, haircut, job title, attitude, sneer, Facebook status, enemy, body issue, income level, family trauma, abusive relationship, broken heart, need for attention? Who are you when you soften the mad grip and realize the nature of consciousness is an ever fluxive cycle of expansion and contraction, over and over again, forever? Hint: it's not what you think. Isn't that wonderful? Isn't that terrifying?
5) Deeper penetration
Penetration into what, you might ask, shifting hungrily in your chair? Penetration into the meaning. Into the soft and beckoning darkness. Past the surface of things, through the glittery BS of the popular culture, deep into to the engines and the forces that make it all go. Penetration into the source. What is the source? Consciousness. What is consciousness? You're soaking in it, right now. How do you know? Close your eyes for a moment, sit very still, and try to imagine God and the Devil are sitting around a raging campfire making s'mores, and your heart is the marshmallow. There.
6) Drink the awe
It's a brutally fast-paced, Facebooked, hypertext-drunk world, my loves, and it's just ridiculously easy to take it all for granted, to sit there and type your message into your glorious little device and attach a video and send it halfway round the world as you sip your coffee that came from 8,000 miles away and think nothing of it all, when in fact there are roughly 1,008 astonishing miracles banging around your life right this second if you just were able to realize their wobbly gifts. What a thing.
7) Invert the melancholy
Yes, I know, you're all jaded and wary and sick of it all. The world is corrupt, everyone's out to screw over everyone else, men are tactless pigs and women are manipulative gold-diggers and it's all enough to cast a permanent pall over everything. Whatever. Choose that if you want to. It's certainly easy. It's also exceedingly lazy. For 2012, maybe choose to take that feeling and flip it over like it was one of those cute old novelty pens with the naked women on it, as you watch the black bathing suit slide down and reveal the naked truth of the silliness of it all. Then write me a note.
8) Up the vibration
Have you heard? Everything has a pulse. Everything has a flicker and tremor of existence, from rock to ocean, dog to docking station, politician to power drill. Here is your choice for 2012: You can pump, kick and feed into that pulse, join forces with it to help yourself, your loved ones, the whole of the ruined and gorgeous world leap to the higher realms of consciousness, or you can remain sour and small, refusing to celebrate anything at all. You can vibrate high and helpful, or you can vibrate low and pessimistic. What's it going to be?
9) Down with zippers
On one hand, it's a hyper-pornified, revoltingly explicit, over-sexualized culture with far too easy access to smut of such low and inelegant quality it makes my classic, porn-loving heart sad. On the other, a trembling horde of puritanical GOP and Tea Party dinkbuttons who don't know the business end of a vibrator (much less a clitoris) would like you to please return to the sexually ignorant closet of roughly 1951 and slam the door tight. Somewhere in between, a call for a refreshingly filthy and delicious, respectful and educated, fearless and open-throated sexual awareness that is neither that, nor that. I'm working on it, eagerly, every single day. Help me?
10) Occupy heart space
Wait, so I'm not the only one to make a cheesy pun on 2011's favorite protest acronym? To flip it around and make it into some sort of personal self-help mantra? Oh well. OWS was about taking up residence in the corridors of power and making joyful, egalitarian noise. OHS is about taking up residence in your own power center, feeling around in the box of your own bulls--t and shoving out the demons of bitterness and fear, and replacing them with something resembling trust and bliss. I have no idea if I can do it. But what the hell else is worth trying?
11) Appreciate appreciation
Everyone loves something. Gratitude abounds. I hereby resolve to wallow and soak in the sheer joy that others pump out toward the things they love and celebrate, even if it's something I find ridiculous or annoying or WTF. Unless it's destructive or hurtful, ignorant or violent, I hereby resolve to be more grateful for the whatever the hell you're grateful for. Even cats.
12) Ecstatic stillness
Do you know why many of the wisdom masters and wizened gurus of the world are always laughing? Why their eyes sparkle and they seem to beam out pure love and joy, when they often have almost nothing in terms of worldly possessions, fame or wealth? It's because they know the secret. They know when you are fully dialed in to the moment, when you are awake and alive to your body and your life, when all senses are alive and the light illuminates everything to the point of absolute bursting, well, there's nothing else to want. It's the sheer ecstasy of existence itself, blood pouring through, heart aflutter, eyes luminous, body pulsing, air like the finest wine, god in every breath. For 2012, far more of that, please. Join me?
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