A family of beings on a plane of perception that shares our creative potential. Welcome Home!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Plea to the World 1/25/2011

Wake up. Yeah, YOU. The system does not work. This system never will. It is just digging us deeper and deeper into the BS that has been created from nothing all around you.

Have you ever had an original thought? When was the last time (if ever) you where aware? Do you see what we are doing to this world and our fellow human beings? Can you step outside of the learned and taught mold that is you and see what this world truly is? Make a difference now. Change is inevitable, will you help in the transition or hide?

...feel the fear? Good! You are one step closer. Fear is the wall in your mind to seeing clearly. Do not run from it or allow yourself to be distracted. Face it, think about it, see it for what it really is and truly react.

Silly monkeys stressing and killing each other over poisons and tree pulp. There is a better way to be human.

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