After 656,991 votes for 7,847 ideas, we present the top 10 ideas for change (in no particular order):
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Recycled Shipping Crate Home "Y"
I then bolted two of them together and cut a half-door in the front door. Who wouldn't want a half door? I pulled a third crate apart for parts at this point. You can see my nice patio was actually the floor of this third crate.
I cut one panel out between them to gain access to the second crate. You can see the small doorway in the right side of the main doorway. I laid tile on the floor temporarily and lined a few of the walls with 1/2" foam insulation. For central Texas, I have been surprised. It has been comfortable at night with a fan on low, holding at about 73 degrees. Keeping the door tightly closed in the daytime makes a large difference. It stayed below 85 like this, while shooting up to 95 with the door open all day. I sleep in the right crate and use the left as my living room. They are very small (two crates is 160 square feet), but I love it that way. Cozy, efficient and a tiny footprint!
First good set of rainstorms had water coming in the doorways, so I used the parts from the scrap crate to build a quick roof, only two hours! My next step is to cover the roof, but I have not been inspired as of yet to do this step! Sorry the picture is so dark, but I finished after sunset.
Soon the power for the crates will be off the grid as well once I get the solar panels installed. I will post more as it happens!
Burning Man "Evolution" 2009 Photos
New Blacklight Hand Tattoo and Scarification
Roughly two hours of work to finish my UV hand tattoo. Used a larger needle cluster this time, up from 4 round to an 8 round. For those of you not familiar, an "8 round" is a cluster of 8 tattoo needles in a bundle. It is used to cover more surface area at once, so the lines are bigger.
Four days later. This was also an experiment with scarification. As the tattoo healed, I used various coarse materials to remove the healing skin and create vivid scars. The two best where a dishcloth and a pumice stone.
Eight days later. All the scabbing has been removed by the roughing up with coarse materials. Now I can show you the scars when you ask to see the blacklight tattoo in daylight at least.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Brownwater RV filtration
Greywater recycling system. All greywater from sink is used to fill toilet bowl. No fresh water is used to fill toilet. The handsoap and toothpaste also helps to clean the bowl each time you flush!
First stage of Brownwater filtration. Barrel filled 3/4 full of lava rock to an inch above maximum water line. Leads to stage two.
Interior view of first stage of Brownwater filtration. Lava rock for substrate and a downspout for efficiency.
Two shots of the Second Stage filter with Lava Rock Planter bed leading into the the Third Stage planter and evaporation tray.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Our Message to the Universe.
Had a friend introduce me to this. These are links to the Voyager Golden Record that was affixed to the satellite in case it ever encounters unknown life in that infinite universe of ours. The record contains a selection of mixed media including greetings in a bunch of languages, selections of Earth music and sounds of the Earth. Directions are encoded on the cover in basic symbols. I certainly would have trouble working out the meanings personally, how do you do?
I also love listening to the audio. How would "Johnny Be Good" and birds chirping sound in a different galaxy?
Actual sounds from the record: (
Wikipedia explanation: (
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Blacklight Tattoo Sleeve Healed
Three months after the initial tattooing and it is completely healed and virtually invisible. In the picture below, some of the scarring is faintly visible in the top left hand corner as some circles. It is amazing how many places you will randomly find a blacklight and be able to show off your tattoo! If you have not seen my previous blog posts on tattooing myself with blacklight ink and the one week later photos, you should go see them!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Alien Invasion is Here!!!
This is only the first wave of alien invaders. A lone scout was seen a week ago but very quickly found a home in Illinois. They find our environment very suitable to their lifestyle, living harmoniously with us silly humanoids. Miraculously, not only do their brains light up when substrate and heat are applied, but they change color with continued use! They are now available on Etsy...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
New Mature Glass Products for sale
Monday, March 9, 2009
Glass Animals! (and fuming 101)
This is Caterpie. He is a Glass Caterpillar that I created at the Studio. He is made from borosilicate glass with an internal silver fume. Fuming is one of many ways to add color to glass. For this particular piece, I started with a tube of glass that I opened up into a funnel shape on one end. I prepare my fuming rod by melting some raw silver onto a "punty" which is a glass rod. You warm this all up to prevent cracking in your torch flame. You then sharpen your flame and direct it down the inside of the funnel and hold your fuming rod in the base of the flame. The silver is basically vaporized and carried in the flame to be deposited onto the glass. Makes a beautiful rainbow of colors depending on many factors. You can see Orange, blue, pink and green above. I then close up the funnel end and begin heating the tube section by section to make the body. You kind of gather the glass together as you heat to create the internal restrictions. Then you form the mouth and add the feet, eyes and other decoration with color rods. You can make all kinds of fun critters! I have also done an alligator, several fish and lizards so far. On a side note, wearing respitory protection while attempting this is recommended. Vaporized silver is not good to breath!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
President Obama Restores Provision of the Endangered Species Act
On Tuesday President Obama issued a presidential memorandum suspending changes that were made to the Endangered Species Act during the final days of the Bush Adminstration.
The Washington Post reported:
In December 2008, the Bush administration changed a longstanding practice under the Endangered Species Act by issuing rules that allowed agencies to move ahead with projects and programs without seeking an independent review by either the Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Environmentalists and scientists said this shift could allow agencies to press ahead with plans that could hurt already-vulnerable species across the country.
...House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Nick J. Rahall (D-W.V.), who had decried the Bush rule and had been trying to reverse it through the legislative process, hailed Obama's decision. "I wholeheartedly support the president's proposal to restore the protections for endangered species that the Bush administration spent so many years trying to undermine," Rahall said in an interview. "It is one more indication that the new administration truly represents change for the better and is committed to the protection of our natural resources and our environment.
Read the full text of the President's memo to the heads of executive departments and agencies . . .
Monday, February 9, 2009
Glass Pendants
I made my first batch of glass pendants this last weekend. I saved all of the interesting scrap glass and my work that went wrong for later use. Once I had a good little pile, I turned each one into a pendant and added a clasp. My favorites are the clear one with the bubbles and the insect cocoon looking one in orange.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Happiness is a Warm Gun
Is the motto under one of the torches at the Glass Blowing studio. I must agree. I submit this photo as evidence! Of course, what I do for my apprenticeship is actually called Lampworking. But who has heard of that? But it is very different from Glass Blowing. Instead of using a large vat of molten glass and a big steel tube, we use glass tubes, glass rods and a small flame. The torches are typically supplied with gas mixtures of Propane and Oxygen. Since the glass can emit eye-damaging light when you get it very hot, special safety glasses are worn. An even more effective second darker set of lenses is kept close by. Focus and patience are essential, while a grasp of "down to earth" physics or fluid dynamics is helpful. Glass is actually a liquid. If you visit a colonial era home here in America, ask for a closer look at the window panes. They are actually thicker at the base then the top. Like a very slim pyramid. When you heat up glass, it just flows quicker. Gravity and centrifugal force are used to control the molten glass. Manipulation of the glass and the addition of color come only and always from constant learning by doing. Stay tuned or sign up for my feed to learn more glassworking tips.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
PETA ad banned from Superbowl...
Monday, February 2, 2009
The Vegetarians for Social Acceptance just reached 100 members!
Let's keep up the momentum! I invite you and your friends to join us and support vegetarians everywhere! You can also find more information on the VSA via this webpage.
The Vegetarians for Social Acceptance are a collection of people working towards a wider understanding and acceptance of vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. All are welcome to join the VSA, you are not required to be a veggie to show your support!
The Goals of the VSA are:
1. Vegetarians should be accepted socially.
2. Disseminate education on vegetarian lifestyle choices.
3. Encourage vegetarian choices, labels or options on restaurant menus.
Any questions, comments, ideas or concerns? Email me at
Saturday, January 31, 2009 update!
Now with Thumbnail indexing for my Scrabbled and Artsy Photo collections.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Reef now, and then!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Life is Random!
So, I saw the movie "Yes Man" (with Jim Carrey) the other day. I highly recommend it. Even if you're one of those that adds it to your Netflix cue or even waits to Tivo it. Its worth it. Fortunately, I had already set a goal in my life to seize more opportunities and take invitations as they come. To stop letting them all pass me by. But that is the real challenge. Getting off your couch, breaking the mundane blank out of work, actually being aware of the world around you. It is a great place to live. And there are wonderful people in it. Embrace it all and live your life!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Mind Junket Products Invitation
If you like what Mind Junket has to offer and you would like to be updated when new products are created, join the fan club by clicking here:
Blacklight Sleeve Tattoo healing
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Great news for Molluscs! (a topic dear to my heart!)
Though we're famous for working on polar bears, wolves, and whales, the Center for Biological Diversity works just as hard to protect small plants and animals that few people will ever see. We think all creatures are equal and deserving of a chance to survive. So we're excited to report that our multi-year campaign to save the black abalone from extinction got a big boost when the National Marine Fisheries Service placed it on the federal endangered species list this week. The agency will now have to prepare a federal recovery plan and protect the abalone's habitat.
Once occurring at densities of up to 120 individuals per square meter off the coast of California and Baja, Mexico, the black abalone has declined by as much as 99 percent due to commercial fishing (now outlawed), a devastating disease called withering syndrome (exacerbated by global warming), and ocean acidification, which hinders its ability to build a shell.
The black abalone joins the white abalone, elkhorn coral, and staghorn coral as the only marine invertebrates among the 1,300 species protected by the Endangered Species Act. All are endangered by global warming, and all won protection due to scientific petitions by the Center for Biological Diversity.
Read more in the San Jose Mercury-News.
Blog post is from the Center for Biological Diversity newsletter.
P.S. Those of you that have been freaked out by my new cell phone ringtone (common loon), it is from the Center for Biological Diversity free ringtone page...
Answer Obama's Call to Renew America Together
Answer Obama's Call to Renew America Together: Volunteer for the King Day of Service, Jan. 19th
View this cause on Facebook here.- Answer President-elect Obama's call to service by volunteering on MLK Day, Jan. 19th. Find a service project at
- Redouble your own personal commitment to serving others and strengthening your community throughout the year.
- Fan the MLK Day Facebook Page:
- Follow MLK Day activities on Twitter:
- Go to MLK Day America Serves at to create a service project to do by yourself, or with your family, friends, and neighbors.
Winners of the Ideas for Change in America Competition
Winners of the Ideas for Change in America Competition
- Pass the DREAM Act - Support Higher Education for All Students Dream ACTivist (add a suggestion)
- Appoint Secretary of Peace in Department of Peace and Non-Violence Stephen Zendt (add a suggestion)
- Free Single Payer Health Care Jared S (add a suggestion)
- Develop & Implement a National Strategy for Sustainability Rob Wheeler (add a suggestion)
- Pass Marriage Equality Rights for LGBT Couples Nationwide Jen N. (add a suggestion)
- Make the grid green in 10 years Liz Rose (add a suggestion)
- Legalize the Medicinal and Recreational Use of Marijuana Jose Torres (add a suggestion)
- Get FISA Right, repeal the PATRIOT Act, and restore our civil liberties Jon Pincus (add a suggestion)
- Save Small Business From the CPSIA Cecilia Leibovitz (add a suggestion)
- Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom Bill Pleasants (add a suggestion)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
New White Tiger Paw Print products on Zazzle!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Blacklight Sleeve Tattoo
These are photos of me tattoing the sleeve. One is with a camera flash, and the other is without. The one without shows the light I am actually tattoing myself in. I learned tattoing from the internet and practice. Blacklight tattoing has been quite a challenge, but I am getting much better!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Final voting for Ideas for Change in America
This is an excerpt from the page:
"What Are Your Top 10 Ideas for Change in America?
The current big issues are the war on drugs and decriminalizing marijuana, marriage equality for LGBT couples, free health care, greening our power grid, forgiving student loans, and many more. So click on over and make your votes count (you only get 10)!
While you are on, check out the Mind Junket profile page with links to various Changes and Actions. Actions featured are vegetarian options in restaurants, vegetarian education, and buying a hybrid car. Sign the pledge to fulfill an action and even start your own campaigns and actions!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Years Thoughts and Palpatations...
Friday, January 2, 2009
Zazzle Featured Items
For example:
And, the last featured here, but there are more at the Zazzle Mind Junket page, a Circle of Perceptions t-shirt. Big sticker available as well. My first in 360 degree perception.