A family of beings on a plane of perception that shares our creative potential. Welcome Home!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Life is Random!

So I had a good friend tell me today that they admired how I could just go with the flow all the time and just see where I end up. It made me think about it life a little more in depth (at least for a bit!). I have found that life is a wonderful journey, you just have to sit back and enjoy the ride. Yes, it can get bumpy and at times, jolting. But it all happens for a reason. Sometimes it is obvious immediately why it happened and occasionally you happen upon the reason later in life. But usually, you have no clue in the grand scheme of things. But that is the wonder of it all. Every inescapable moment in this world is unique and new. You never know where you will end up in five minutes, a month or even a lifetime. You can try to plan things out, set goals, and set schedules. But the one mainstream constant is that things change. The ripples of life and perception gradually spread and intermingle with the rest of the world around you. And it is a wonderful ride! Enjoy it!

So, I saw the movie "Yes Man" (with Jim Carrey) the other day. I highly recommend it. Even if you're one of those that adds it to your Netflix cue or even waits to Tivo it. Its worth it. Fortunately, I had already set a goal in my life to seize more opportunities and take invitations as they come. To stop letting them all pass me by. But that is the real challenge. Getting off your couch, breaking the mundane blank out of work, actually being aware of the world around you. It is a great place to live. And there are wonderful people in it. Embrace it all and live your life!

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