A family of beings on a plane of perception that shares our creative potential. Welcome Home!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

MindJunket.com update!

I just finished updating and revamping the Mind Junket website. Cleaned up the HTML a bit and fixed the font problems. The big change is the new photo pages!


Now with Thumbnail indexing for my Scrabbled and Artsy Photo collections.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Reef now, and then!

So, a couple of days ago, I once again found myself in Houston. While I was there, I went to see my old friends- Nero, Marina, Coral and Reef at the Downtown Aquarium Houston. They happen to be White Bengal tigers. I was working at the aquarium when the tigers where first brought in and introduced to their new home. The pictures here are of Reef. The one above is current, at about 380 pounds. The one below is from back in the day about four years ago when he was first exploring his new home. He is a cutie! This is the tiger that the pawprint came from that I made coffee mugs, stickers, ties, magnets and posters of on Zazzle from his first birthday.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Life is Random!

So I had a good friend tell me today that they admired how I could just go with the flow all the time and just see where I end up. It made me think about it life a little more in depth (at least for a bit!). I have found that life is a wonderful journey, you just have to sit back and enjoy the ride. Yes, it can get bumpy and at times, jolting. But it all happens for a reason. Sometimes it is obvious immediately why it happened and occasionally you happen upon the reason later in life. But usually, you have no clue in the grand scheme of things. But that is the wonder of it all. Every inescapable moment in this world is unique and new. You never know where you will end up in five minutes, a month or even a lifetime. You can try to plan things out, set goals, and set schedules. But the one mainstream constant is that things change. The ripples of life and perception gradually spread and intermingle with the rest of the world around you. And it is a wonderful ride! Enjoy it!

So, I saw the movie "Yes Man" (with Jim Carrey) the other day. I highly recommend it. Even if you're one of those that adds it to your Netflix cue or even waits to Tivo it. Its worth it. Fortunately, I had already set a goal in my life to seize more opportunities and take invitations as they come. To stop letting them all pass me by. But that is the real challenge. Getting off your couch, breaking the mundane blank out of work, actually being aware of the world around you. It is a great place to live. And there are wonderful people in it. Embrace it all and live your life!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Mind Junket Products Invitation

If you like what Mind Junket has to offer and you would like to be updated when new products are created, join the fan club by clicking here:


Blacklight Sleeve Tattoo healing

The blacklight sleeve tattoo is healing nicely, right on schedule. Should take a couple of weeks for the redness to fade as the skin heals. Now I must contemplate what my next ink patch will be! Or should I say where? Thanks to everyone for your wonderful comments and praise btw!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Great news for Molluscs! (a topic dear to my heart!)

Black Abalone Federally Protected in California, Mexico

Though we're famous for working on polar bears, wolves, and whales, the Center for Biological Diversity works just as hard to protect small plants and animals that few people will ever see. We think all creatures are equal and deserving of a chance to survive. So we're excited to report that our multi-year campaign to save the black abalone from extinction got a big boost when the National Marine Fisheries Service placed it on the federal endangered species list this week. The agency will now have to prepare a federal recovery plan and protect the abalone's habitat.

Once occurring at densities of up to 120 individuals per square meter off the coast of California and Baja, Mexico, the black abalone has declined by as much as 99 percent due to commercial fishing (now outlawed), a devastating disease called withering syndrome (exacerbated by global warming), and ocean acidification, which hinders its ability to build a shell.

The black abalone joins the white abalone, elkhorn coral, and staghorn coral as the only marine invertebrates among the 1,300 species protected by the Endangered Species Act. All are endangered by global warming, and all won protection due to scientific petitions by the Center for Biological Diversity.

Read more in the San Jose Mercury-News.

Blog post is from the Center for Biological Diversity newsletter.

P.S. Those of you that have been freaked out by my new cell phone ringtone (common loon), it is from the Center for Biological Diversity free ringtone page...

Answer Obama's Call to Renew America Together

Answer Obama's Call to Renew America Together: Volunteer for the King Day of Service, Jan. 19th

View this cause on Facebook here.
  1. Answer President-elect Obama's call to service by volunteering on MLK Day, Jan. 19th. Find a service project at www.usaservice.org
  2. Redouble your own personal commitment to serving others and strengthening your community throughout the year.
  3. Fan the MLK Day Facebook Page: http://bit.ly/KKNP
  4. Follow MLK Day activities on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MLKDay
  5. Go to MLK Day America Serves at http://bit.ly/Q8j1 to create a service project to do by yourself, or with your family, friends, and neighbors.

Winners of the Ideas for Change in America Competition

The final votes for the Change.org Ideals for Change are counted and the winners have been announced! Let's all hope Obama takes them to heart and really makes a difference!

After 656,991 votes for 7,847 ideas, we present the top 10 ideas for change (in no particular order):

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New White Tiger Paw Print products on Zazzle!

Just finished creating new products through Zazzle, this line features a one year old White Tiger paw print! There are many different products available with the paw print. Featured here are the Postage Stamps, Coffee Mug, Poster, and one of three Ties. Of course, there are many more, so check it out, leave comments and rate them if you want! If you really like them, feel free to buy some - they make great gifts (even for yourself)! And, as always, if you have a product idea, I would love to design it for you!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blacklight Sleeve Tattoo

Just finished a 5 hour tattoo session (with myself...). You can check out a video of the wrap-around view of the sleeve on Facebook videos! I used a tattoo kit from Superior Tattoo and some blacklight responsive tattoo ink. I use the white ink as it is basically invisible in regular light. There is no one better to practice your tattooing on then yourself! Yes, it hurts. Yes, it is permanent. But I love it!

These are photos of me tattoing the sleeve. One is with a camera flash, and the other is without. The one without shows the light I am actually tattoing myself in. I learned tattoing from the internet and practice. Blacklight tattoing has been quite a challenge, but I am getting much better!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Final voting for Change.org Ideas for Change in America

Is happening now! Visit the Change.org Ideas page to make a difference!

This is an excerpt from the page:

"What Are Your Top 10 Ideas for Change in America?
The Ideas for Change in America competition was created in response to Barack Obama's call for increased citizen involvement in government. The final round of voting began on January 5 and is comprised of the top 3 rated ideas from each of the 30 issues in the first round of the competition, which collectively received more than 250,000 votes. The top 10 rated ideas from the final round will be presented to the Obama administration on January 16th at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, co-hosted by the Case Foundation. At the event we will also announce the launch of a national advocacy campaign behind each idea in collaboration with our nonprofit partners to turn each idea into actual policy."

The current big issues are the war on drugs and decriminalizing marijuana, marriage equality for LGBT couples, free health care, greening our power grid, forgiving student loans, and many more. So click on over and make your votes count (you only get 10)!

While you are on Change.org, check out the Mind Junket profile page with links to various Changes and Actions. Actions featured are vegetarian options in restaurants, vegetarian education, and buying a hybrid car. Sign the pledge to fulfill an action and even start your own campaigns and actions!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Years Thoughts and Palpatations...

2009 is here. Snuck up on me. Just tooling along, and wham, here it is. It doesn't feel any different, but somehow it is. I was taking a walk through Austin suburbia last night, listening to the trees and watching the stars. I realized just how interconnected everything is. And I mean everything. If you choose any unit of measurement for small things. Like a molecule, particle, atom, or whatever unit you wish. Draw an imaginary line to every other piece of the infinite universe. This is funny to me at the moment because I have been scanning old 35 mm family slides into digital format and I found this one of my sister Wendy and her science fair project in Guam. Point to point designs it is called. But anyways, everything is interconnected and infinitely affecting everything else. It makes quite a pattern. Kind of like a fractal! But not quite... If you are not familiar with Fractals, visit this website on Fractals. Kind of gives you an idea (hopefully) of the interconnectedness and beauty you can find in the world when you actually look for it. An infinite pattern spread not only through vast outer space but in the space in between your toes...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Zazzle Featured Items

Mind Junket has over a hundred different designs on Zazzle.com, on most anything you can imagine. Lots of images not even found on the original website!

For example:
That is a poster of a photograph I took in the mountainous woods of Goshen, Virginia. Cute little red capped mushroom pushing through the ground cover.

One of the many t-shirts available, rooted in middle school art classes and my imagination.

Indian Pipe poster. Enough said!!!

This one is a specialty item. It is a tie. With the design of a deadly seashell tiling it's surface.

A pair of mushrooms watching the day laze by.

And, the last featured here, but there are more at the Zazzle Mind Junket page, a Circle of Perceptions t-shirt. Big sticker available as well. My first in 360 degree perception.