After 656,991 votes for 7,847 ideas, we present the top 10 ideas for change (in no particular order):
Saturday, January 31, 2009 update!
Now with Thumbnail indexing for my Scrabbled and Artsy Photo collections.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Reef now, and then!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Life is Random!
So, I saw the movie "Yes Man" (with Jim Carrey) the other day. I highly recommend it. Even if you're one of those that adds it to your Netflix cue or even waits to Tivo it. Its worth it. Fortunately, I had already set a goal in my life to seize more opportunities and take invitations as they come. To stop letting them all pass me by. But that is the real challenge. Getting off your couch, breaking the mundane blank out of work, actually being aware of the world around you. It is a great place to live. And there are wonderful people in it. Embrace it all and live your life!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Mind Junket Products Invitation
If you like what Mind Junket has to offer and you would like to be updated when new products are created, join the fan club by clicking here:
Blacklight Sleeve Tattoo healing
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Great news for Molluscs! (a topic dear to my heart!)
Though we're famous for working on polar bears, wolves, and whales, the Center for Biological Diversity works just as hard to protect small plants and animals that few people will ever see. We think all creatures are equal and deserving of a chance to survive. So we're excited to report that our multi-year campaign to save the black abalone from extinction got a big boost when the National Marine Fisheries Service placed it on the federal endangered species list this week. The agency will now have to prepare a federal recovery plan and protect the abalone's habitat.
Once occurring at densities of up to 120 individuals per square meter off the coast of California and Baja, Mexico, the black abalone has declined by as much as 99 percent due to commercial fishing (now outlawed), a devastating disease called withering syndrome (exacerbated by global warming), and ocean acidification, which hinders its ability to build a shell.
The black abalone joins the white abalone, elkhorn coral, and staghorn coral as the only marine invertebrates among the 1,300 species protected by the Endangered Species Act. All are endangered by global warming, and all won protection due to scientific petitions by the Center for Biological Diversity.
Read more in the San Jose Mercury-News.
Blog post is from the Center for Biological Diversity newsletter.
P.S. Those of you that have been freaked out by my new cell phone ringtone (common loon), it is from the Center for Biological Diversity free ringtone page...
Answer Obama's Call to Renew America Together
Answer Obama's Call to Renew America Together: Volunteer for the King Day of Service, Jan. 19th
View this cause on Facebook here.- Answer President-elect Obama's call to service by volunteering on MLK Day, Jan. 19th. Find a service project at
- Redouble your own personal commitment to serving others and strengthening your community throughout the year.
- Fan the MLK Day Facebook Page:
- Follow MLK Day activities on Twitter:
- Go to MLK Day America Serves at to create a service project to do by yourself, or with your family, friends, and neighbors.
Winners of the Ideas for Change in America Competition
Winners of the Ideas for Change in America Competition
- Pass the DREAM Act - Support Higher Education for All Students Dream ACTivist (add a suggestion)
- Appoint Secretary of Peace in Department of Peace and Non-Violence Stephen Zendt (add a suggestion)
- Free Single Payer Health Care Jared S (add a suggestion)
- Develop & Implement a National Strategy for Sustainability Rob Wheeler (add a suggestion)
- Pass Marriage Equality Rights for LGBT Couples Nationwide Jen N. (add a suggestion)
- Make the grid green in 10 years Liz Rose (add a suggestion)
- Legalize the Medicinal and Recreational Use of Marijuana Jose Torres (add a suggestion)
- Get FISA Right, repeal the PATRIOT Act, and restore our civil liberties Jon Pincus (add a suggestion)
- Save Small Business From the CPSIA Cecilia Leibovitz (add a suggestion)
- Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom Bill Pleasants (add a suggestion)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
New White Tiger Paw Print products on Zazzle!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Blacklight Sleeve Tattoo
These are photos of me tattoing the sleeve. One is with a camera flash, and the other is without. The one without shows the light I am actually tattoing myself in. I learned tattoing from the internet and practice. Blacklight tattoing has been quite a challenge, but I am getting much better!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Final voting for Ideas for Change in America
This is an excerpt from the page:
"What Are Your Top 10 Ideas for Change in America?
The current big issues are the war on drugs and decriminalizing marijuana, marriage equality for LGBT couples, free health care, greening our power grid, forgiving student loans, and many more. So click on over and make your votes count (you only get 10)!
While you are on, check out the Mind Junket profile page with links to various Changes and Actions. Actions featured are vegetarian options in restaurants, vegetarian education, and buying a hybrid car. Sign the pledge to fulfill an action and even start your own campaigns and actions!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Years Thoughts and Palpatations...
Friday, January 2, 2009
Zazzle Featured Items
For example:
And, the last featured here, but there are more at the Zazzle Mind Junket page, a Circle of Perceptions t-shirt. Big sticker available as well. My first in 360 degree perception.